हिंदी वेबसाइट
Movie Details
Genre: Historical
Release: June 30, 2023 (India)
Director: Abhik Bhanu
Producer: Abhik Bhanu, Avinash Gupta, Anju Khare, Gaurav Shankar Khare, Prahlad Khare, Atul Pandey, Atul Kumar Pandey, Raaj Rahhi, Swati Varma
Music: Manoj Gupta
Print: Color
Language: Hindi
Runtime: 111 minutes
Certificate: UA (India)
Country: India
Info: This movie is based on a true story and uncovers the concealed truth of the Chauri Chaura incident, which remained hidden throughout British rule while acknowledging the bravery of the unsung freedom fighters. Watch this movie to find out more.
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