हिंदी वेबसाइट
Movie Details
Genre: Norwegian
Release: 15 October 2021 (Norway)
Director: Joachim Trier
Producer: Andrea Berentsen Ottmar, Thomas Robsahm, Juliette Schrameck, Olivier Pere, Katrin Pors, Mattias Nohrborg, Dyveke Bjorkly Graver, Eva Jakobsen, Mikkel Jersin, Tom Kjeseth, Mone Mikkelsen, Renee Hansen Mlodyszewski, Mattias Nohrborg
Music: Ola Flottum
Print: Colour
Language: Norwegian
Runtime: 127 minutes
Certificate: R (USA)
Country: Norway
Info: Julie embarks on a journey and tries to wade throught the troubled waters of love, while searching for her career in the city of Oslo. This movie chronicles four years in her life. Watch the movie to find out more.
Visit The Official Movie Website for more information
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