हिंदी वेबसाइट
Movie Details
Genre: Macedonian
Release: 01 April 2022 (USA)
Director: Goran Stolevski
Producer: Kristina Ceyton, Samantha Jennings, Brandt Andersen, Phil Hunt, Bryce Menzies, Jonathan Page, Michelle Pearce, Noomi Rapace, Dale Roberts, Compton Ross
Music: Mark Bradshaw
Print: Colour
Language: Macedonian
Runtime: 108 minutes
Certificate: R (USA)
Country: Australia
Info: This movie is set in an isolated mountain village in the ninteenth century Macedonia. A young girl is kidnapped and then transformed into a witch by an ancient spirit. The young witch becomes curious about life as a human. She accidentally kills a peasant and takes the victim’s shape to live life in her skin. Watch the movie to find out more.
Visit The Official Movie Website for more information
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